Slip modes and partitioning of energy during dynamic frictional sliding between identical elastic-viscoplastic solids
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The effect of plasticity on dynamic frictional sliding along an interface between two identical elastic-viscoplastic solids is analyzed. The configuration considered is the same as that in Coker et al. (J Mech Phys Solids 53:884-992, 2005) except that here plane strain analyses are carried out and bulk material plasticity is accounted for. The specimens have an initial compressive stress and are subject to shear loading imposed by edge impact near the interface. The material on each side of the interface is modeled as an isotropically hardening elastic-viscoplastic solid. The interface is characterized as having an elastic response together with a rate- and state-dependent frictional law for its inelastic response. Depending on bulk material properties, interface properties and loading conditions, frictional slip along the interface can propagate in a crack-like mode, a pulse-like mode or a train-of-pulses mode. Results are presented for the effect of material plasticity on the mode and speed of frictional slip propagation as well as for the partitioning of energy components between stored elastic energy, kinetic energy, plastic dissipation in the bulk and frictional dissipation along the interface. Some parameter studies are carried out to explore the effects of varying the interface elastic stiffness and the impact velocity. 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.