Numerical simulations of dynamic interfacial crack growth allowing for crack growth away from the bond line
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Dynamic crack growth is analyzed numerically for a plane strain bimaterial block with an initial central crack subject to impact tensile loading. The material on each side of the bond line is characterized by an isotropic hyperelastic constitutive relation. Potential surfaces of decohesion are interspersed in the material on either side of the bond line and along the bond line. The cohesive surface constitutive relation allows for the creation of new tree surface and dimensional considerations introduce a characteristic length into the formulation. Full transient analyses are carried out. The resistance to crack initiation, the crack speed history and the crack path are predicted without invoking any ad hoc failure criterion. Three calculations are carried out for a PMMA/Al bimaterial. The imposed loading and the properties of the adjacent materials are kept fixed, while the bond line strength is taken to be 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of the strength of PMMA. The nominal crack speed decreases with increasing bond line strength. When the bond line strength is 1/4 that of PMMA, the crack remains on the bond line although there is an attempt at branching off the bond line. For the intermediate case, a bond line strength 1/2 that of PMMA, repeated branching of the main crack off the bond line into the PMMA occurs, together with micro-crack nucleation on the bond line. The crack branches off the bond line into the PMMA when its strength is 3/4 that of PMMA, with the main direction of growth being parallel to the bond line, but with the crack progressively drifting further into the PMMA. 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers.