publication venue for
- Acculturation Predicts Negative Affect and Shortened Telomere Length.. 19:28-35. 2017
- Psychological stress and cytokine production in multiple sclerosis: correlation with disease symptomatology.. 15:226-233. 2013
- Relationships among stress measures, risk factors, and inflammatory biomarkers in law enforcement officers.. 14:16-26. 2012
- The potential role of glucose transport changes in hot flash physiology: a hypothesis.. 10:241-247. 2009
- Impaired vasodilation and nitric oxide synthase activity in glucocorticoid-induced hypertension.. 4:16-21. 2002
- Exploring Biologic Correlates of Cancer-Related Fatigue in Men With Prostate Cancer: Cell Damage Pathways and Oxidative Stress.. 22:514-519.
- Impact of Yoga on Inflammatory Biomarkers: A Systematic Review.. 21:198-209.