The Ocean Drilling Program Conference Paper uri icon


  • The Ocean Drilling Program recently completed its first 14 cruises (28 months) of scientific ocean drilling by addressing important scientific problems in the regions of the Bahamas, Iberian Margin, Norwegian Sea, Baffin Bay, Labrador Sea, Kane Fracture Zone, Tyrhennian Sea, Northwest African Margin, Barbados Forearc, Galapagos, Peru Margin, Weddell Sea, and southern South Atlantic Ocean. During this period, the ship's drilling systems, as well as the shipboard scientific laboratory complex, have undergone a thorough testing, with modifications made as required. The authors report the scientific objectives of the forthcoming 16-month (May 1987 to October 1988) Indian Ocean campaign.

name of conference

  • OCEANS '87

published proceedings

  • OCEANS '87

author list (cited authors)

  • Rabinowitz, P., Garrison, L., Baldauf, J., DeVoge, S., Harding, B., Merrill, R., Meyer, A., & Olivas, R.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Rabinowitz, P||Garrison, L||Baldauf, J||DeVoge, S||Harding, B||Merrill, R||Meyer, A||Olivas, R

publication date

  • January 1987