publication venue for
- Computational Modeling of Individual Differences in Cardiovascular Response during Parabolic Flight 2023
- The Design of a Robotic Arm to Measure Elbow Torque and Contact Pressures in an EVA Suit Arm 2023
- 3D Interactive Model of HERA to support ECLSS anomaly resolution using a Virtual Assistant 2021
- Augmenting Exercise Protocols with Interactive Virtual Reality Environments 2021
- Experimental Design & Pilot Testing for ECLSS Anomaly solution using Daphne-AT Virtual Assistant 2021
- Predictive XR Telepresence for Robotic Operations in Space 2021
- Deep Space Habitation: Establishing a Sustainable Human Presence on the Moon and Beyond 2021
- Design of an AR Visor Display System for Extravehicular Activity Operations 2020
- Evolutionary formulations for design of heterogeneous Earth observing constellations 2020
- Metabolic Modeling in Altered Gravity 2020
- Using GANs to Generate Random Surface Materials for High Fidelity Low Altitude Imaging Simulations 2020
- A Cognitive Assistant for Entry, Descent, and Landing Architecture Analysis 2019
- Comparison of 3D Photogrammetric and Laser Hand Scans to Manual Measurement Methods for EVA Glove Fabrication 2019
- Exploring the Architecture Trade Space of NextGen Global Navigation Satellite Systems 2019
- A Rule-Based Tool for Science Traceability of Mars Exploration Mission Architectures 2018
- Constellation Optimization Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with a Variable-length Chromosome 2018
- Optimizing Commonality and Performance in Platform-Based Earth Observing SmallSat Architectures 2017
- A Concept for an Agile Mission Development Facility for CubeSat and Suborbital Missions 2016
- Development of a Countermeasure to Enhance Sensorimotor Adaptation to Altered Gravity Levels 2016
- Physiological and Comfort Assessment of the Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit During Exercise 2016
- On Scalability of Fractionated Satellite Network Architectures 2015
- The Neural Basis of Decision-Making During Sensemaking: Implications for Human-System Interaction 2015
- Experiments in Knowledge-intensive System Architecting: Interactive Architecture Optimization 2014
- Exploring Classification Algorithms for Early Mission Formulation Cost Estimation 2014
- Results of the MIT Space Communication and Navigation Architecture Study 2014
- Exploring the Architectural Trade Space of NASAs Space Communication and Navigation Program 2013
- GEOScan: A Global, Real-Time Geoscience Facility 2013
- The Impact of Technical Complexity on the Decision to Collaborate and Combine 2013
- VASSAR: Value Assessment of System Architectures using Rules 2013
- Different Biocides Elicit Differential Responses in Bacteria 2012
- A Rule-Based Decision Support Tool for Architecting Earth Observing Missions 2012
- Exploring Packaging Architectures for the Earth Science Decadal Survey 2011
- E-Beam Sterilization of Aerospace Materials: Microbiological & Mechanical Property Evaluations 2010
- Integrated Assessment of Packaging Architectures in Earth Observing Programs 2010
- Space System Architectures for Interplanetary Internet 2010
- ZERO-Robotics: A Student Competition aboard the International Space Station 2010
- FLORAD Mission: Millimeter-Wave Atmospheric Remote Sensing through Mini-Satellites Flower Constellation 2009
- Next Generation Rover for Lunar Exploration 2008
- An Introduction to Evolving Systems of Flexible Aerospace Structures 2007
- Electron beam irradiation for microbial reduction on spacecraft components 2007
- Flower Constellation of Orbiters for Martian Communication 2007
- Flower constellation of Orbiters for martian communication 2007
- Reconfiguring flower constellations using continuous firing 2007
- Electron beam (10 MeV) irradiation to decontaminate spacecraft components for planetary protection 2006
- Comparisons between GalileoSat and global navigation flower constellations 2005
- The Flower Constellations visualization and analysis tool 2005
- The two-way orbits 2005
- A safe flight algorithm for unmanned aerial vehicles 2004
- Vision-based road-following using a small autonomous aircraft 2004
- Human-robot control strategies for the NASA/DARPA Robonaut 2003
- Modeling and design of MEMS-based reconfigurable antenna arrays 2003
- Modeling and design of mems-based reconfligurable antenna arrays 2003
- International Space Station Leak Localization Using Attitude Disturbance Estimation 2003
- Compact wireless antennas using an artificial dielectric lens 2002
- StarNav III: A Three Fields of View Star Tracker 2002
- StarNav III: A three fields of view star tracker 2002
- Self-organizing guide star selection algorithm for star trackers: Thinning method 2002
- Self-organizing guide star selection algorithm for star trackers: Thinning method 2002
- An advanced electromagnetic tool for design of multilayer printed antenna arrays 2001
- A CubeSat Catalog Design Tool for a Multi-Agent Architecture Development Framework