publication venue for
- Design Requirements Iterative Process (DRIP) Tool Demonstration Concurrent Engineering of Design, Requirements and Knowledge. 36:60-68. 2017
- Why i came back to Ada. 31:37-38. 2011
- Timing neural networks in C and ada. XXVII:71-74. 2007
- Automatic OO parser generation using visitors for Ada 2005. XXVI:3-8. 2006
- Integrating Ada 2005 into visual studio 2005. XXVI:15-20. 2006
- How Ada 2005 impacts CS1/2. XXVI:18-24. 2006
- Multilanguage programming with ada in the .Net environment. XXIV:1-3. 2004
- The case for Ada at the USAF academy. XXIV:68-70. 2004
- Weaving Ada 95 into the .net environment. XXIII:22-26. 2003
- An automatic visitor generator for ada. XXII:42-47. 2002
- Keynote address. XXI:71-72. 2001
- An automatic object-oriented parser generator for Ada. XX:57-62. 2000
- A truly implementation independent GUI development tool. XIX:47-52. 1999
- RAPID. XVIII:158-164. 1998
- Graphics for free. XVIII:47-50. 1998
- AdaGIDE: a friendly introductory programming environment for a freshman computer science course. XVIII:42-52. 1998
- Why i came back to Ada 2011
- Timing neural networks in C and ada 2007
- Automatic OO parser generation using visitors for Ada 2005 2006
- Multilanguage programming with ada in the .Net environment 2003
- The case for Ada at the USAF academy 2003
- Weaving Ada 95 into the .net environment 2002
- Keynote address: confessions of an academic Ada zealot 2001
- A truly implementation independent GUI development tool 1999
- RAPID: a free, portable GUI design tool 1998