publication venue for
- Analysis of repeated measures data in nutrition research.. 24:1377-1389. 2019
- Metabonomics and its role in amino acid nutrition research.. 16:2451-2460. 2011
- Structural answers and persistent questions about how nicotinic receptors work.. 13:5479-5510. 2008
- Long-term consequences of maternal smoking and developmental chronic nicotine exposure.. 13:636-649. 2008
- Biology of progesterone action during pregnancy recognition and maintenance of pregnancy.. 7:d1879-d1898. 2002
- Entry into host cells by Legionella.. 7:d1-11. 2002
- Entry mechanisms of mycobacteria.. 6:D737-D747. 2001
- Aquaporins in the female reproductive system of mammals.. 20:838-871.