publication venue for
- Removal of Cyanide Contaminants from Rhizosphere Soil. 12:210-215. 2008
- Assessment of Landfill Leachate Volume and Concentrations of Cyanide and Fluoride during Phytoremediation. 12:32-45. 2008
- Pyrene and Phenanthrene Influence on Soil Microbial Populations. 7:53-68. 2003
- Microbial Dynamics during Bioremediation of a Crude Oil-Contaminated Coastal Wetland. 4:203-218. 2000
- Aerobic Biotransformation of Gasoline Aromatics in MultiComponent Mixtures. 4:171-179. 2000
- Aerobic Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Soil by Indigenous Microorganisms. 3:201-211. 1999
- Genotoxicity Assessment of Wood-Preserving WasteContaminated Soil Undergoing Bioremediation. 11:171-182.