publication venue for
- Logistic analysis of responses to the 2018 survey of AABP members about gender bias. 367-367. 2020
- Thematic analysis of free-text responses to the 2018 survey of AABP members about gender bias. 377-377. 2020
- Transcriptomic profiling of BRD-attributed mortality in stocker cattle identifies active inflammatory and antiviral pathways at arrival. 364-364. 2020
- Whole blood RNA-Seq analysis of stocker calves reveals insights into BRD. 348-348. 2019
- Antimicrobial stewardship considerations in beef production. 157-158. 2018
- Comparative plasma and urine concentrations of flunixin and meloxicam in show goats. 336-336. 2018
- Comparison of analgesics for control of lameness-associated pain in lactating dairy cattle. 262-262. 2018
- Elevated storage temperatures and concentration of large animal pharmaceuticals. 215-215. 2017
- Pharmacokinetics and adverse reactions to fentanyl transdermal patches in healthy and hospitalized calves. 242-242. 2017
- Does dart gun delivery of antibiotics cause changes in drug disposition or meat quality?. 167-168. 2016
- Influence of vaccination with an inactivated or modified live viral reproductive vaccine on reproductive parameters in beef cows. 163-164. 2016
- Modulation of the acute phase and metabolic response in feedlot steers supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae subspecies boulardii CNCM 1-1079. 205-205. 2015
- Air quality in open-lot dairies and cattle feedyards. 1-4. 2014
- Effect of topical treatment of claw horn lesions with tetracycline-derivatives on plasma and milk concentrations. 137-137. 2014
- Efficacy of Liver Abscess Vaccines in Natural-fed Finishing Cattle and the Impact of Liver Abscesses on Performance and Carcass Characteristics. 237-237. 2008
- Induction of a T Helper 1 Immune Response with an Inactivated Viral Vaccine. 276-276. 2008
- Preparing for a Revolution in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. 1-5. 2002
- Optimizing Antimicrobial Regimens. 6-10. 2000
- 2014 protocols for synchronization of estrus and ovulation in beef cows and heifers. 28-33.
- A scoping review of the peer-reviewed literature in human populations and in vitro for potential non-antimicrobial interventions to reduce antimicrobial resistance in cattle. 198-198.
- Preliminary Investigation of the Association between Feeding Starch-based Ethanol Co-Products and Salmonella Species Shedding in Commercial Feedlots. 181-181.