publication venue for
- Adaptive neural network independent joint-based control for an ODE-PDE rigid-flexible manipulator with multiple constraints. 107754632311669-107754632311669. 2023
- Application of scaled boundary finite element method for vibration-based structural health monitoring of breathing cracks. 27:2870-2886. 2021
- A passive energy-based method for footstep impact localization, using an underfloor accelerometer sensor network with Kalman filtering. 26:941-951. 2020
- Adaptive control for response attenuation of seismically excited cable-stayed bridges. 26:131-145. 2020
- A new fast and calibration-free method for footstep impact localization in an instrumented floor. 25:1629-1638. 2019
- Improved model correlation through optimal parameter ranking using model reduction algorithms: Augmenting engineering judgment. 24:4716-4739. 2018
- Thermal morphing anisogrid smart space structures part 2: Ranking of geometric parameter importance, trust region optimization, and performance evaluation. 24:2873-2893. 2018
- Parametric instability of thick doubly curved CNT reinforced composite sandwich panels under in-plane periodic loads using higher-order shear deformation theory. 24:1927-1950. 2018
- Precision concurrent speed and position tracking of brushed dc motors using nonlinear time-frequency control. 23:3266-3291. 2017
- Linear impulsive control system with impulse time windows. 23:111-118. 2017
- Cause analysis of low frequency vibration of flexible support stator frame for giant hydro generator. 22:3151-3156. 2016
- Optimal vibration control for structural-acoustic coupling system. 19:14-29. 2013
- Nonlinear Analysis of MEMS Electrostatic Microactuators: Primary and Secondary Resonances of the First Mode. 16:1321-1349. 2010
- Confinement of Vibrations in Flexible Structures Using Supplementary Absorbers: Dynamic Optimization. 16:357-376. 2010
- Sliding Motions on a Periodically Time-varying Boundary for a Friction-induced Oscillator. 15:671-703. 2009
- Modal identification, model updating and nonlinear analysis of a reinforced concrete bridge. 14:511-530. 2008
- A modal filtering and statistical approach for damage detection and diagnosis in structures using ambient vibrations measurements. 13:281-308. 2007
- Introduction to the special issue on nonlinear dynamics and control of turning and lifting instability. 13:439-440. 2007
- Machining dynamics involving whirling Part I: Model development and validation. 13:475-506. 2007
- Machining dynamics involving whirling Part II: Machining motions described by nonlinear and linearized models. 13:507-526. 2007
- A hybrid control of seismically excited structures by confinement of vibrations. 10:543-560. 2004
- Robust Control of a Car Suspension System Using Magnetorheological Dampers. 10:507-524. 2004
- Structured model reference adaptive control for a wing section with structural nonlinearity. 8:553-573. 2002
- Substructure simulation of viscoelastic-elastic multibody systems. 6:163-188. 2000