publication venue for
- Geometrically Interlocking Space-Filling Tiling Based on Fabric Weaves.. 28:3391-3404. 2022
- Low Rank Matrix Approximation for 3D Geometry Filtering.. 28:1835-1847. 2022
- Image Structure Retrieval via Minimization.. 24:2129-2139. 2018
- Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Section on the ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D). 22:2214-2214. 2016
- Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on the Joint Conference on Geometric Design and Solid and Physical Modeling (GDSPM). 17:713-714. 2011
- Hardware accelerated segmentation of complex volumetric filament networks.. 15:670-681. 2009
- Biharmonic volumetric mapping using fundamental solutions.. 19:787-798.
- Exploring Interactions with Printed Data Visualizations in Augmented Reality.. 29:418-428.
- Globally optimal surface mapping for surfaces with arbitrary topology.. 14:805-819.
- Meshless thin-shell simulation based on global conformal parameterization.. 12:375-385.
- MobileVisFixer: Tailoring Web Visualizations for Mobile Phones Leveraging an Explainable Reinforcement Learning Framework.. 27:464-474.
- Restricted trivariate polycube splines for volumetric data modeling.. 18:703-716.
- SemanticTraj: A New Approach to Interacting with Massive Taxi Trajectories.. 23:11-20.
- Skull-to-Face: Anatomy-Guided 3D Facial Reconstruction and Editing. PP:1-13.
- Spatial analysis of news sources.. 12:765-771.
- Spherical DCB-spline surfaces with hierarchical and adaptive knot insertion.. 18:1290-1303.
- Surface mapping using consistent pants decomposition.. 15:558-571.
- Surface mesh to volumetric spline conversion with generalized polycubes.. 19:1539-1551.
- VisTellAR: Embedding Data Visualization to Short-form Videos Using Mobile Augmented Reality.. PP:1-13.
- Effective visualization of complex vascular structures using a non-parametric vessel detection method. 2008
- Visualization of cellular and microvascular relationships. 2008
- Manifold dual contouring. 2007
- Visualization of fibrous and thread-like data. 2006
- TrajGraph: A Graph-Based Visual Analytics Approach to Studying Urban Network Centralities Using Taxi Trajectory Data.