publication venue for
- Small UAS in agricultural remote-sensing research at Texas A&M. 23:19-21. 2016
- Special series on unmanned aircraft, part 2: Unmanned aircraft systems: All types and sizes. 23:18-19. 2016
- Showing students the world. 20:18-19. 2013
- Afghan "Ambassador". 15:16-18. 2008
- Canal operation automated in Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. 12:4-5. 2005
- A New Year's Paradigm for Modeling Soil Water. 10:11-12. 2003
- Plant population vs. plant average: New paradigm of crop simulation modeling. 10:9. 2003
- The path to healthier potato chips. 10:15. 2003
- X-treme weather. 8:9. 2001