publication venue for
- Agent and Task Complexity in Multilateral Alliances: The Safeguarding Role of Equity Governance. 23:227-241. 2017
- Shared Governance: Institutional Investors as a Counterbalance to the State in State Owned Multinationals. 22:115-130. 2016
- The Impact of Rule of Law on Market Value Creation for Local Alliance Partners in BRIC Countries. 18:305-321. 2012
- Is there a liability of localness? How emerging market firms respond to regulatory punctuations. 14:232-251. 2008
- Governance, multinationals and growth. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham/Northampton, 2005 (vol 12, pg 509, 2005). 13:90-90. 2007
- Acceptance of electronic monitoring and its consequences in different cultural contexts: A conceptual model. 11:269-292. 2005
- Acceptance of electronic monitoring and its consequences in different cultural contexts: A conceptual model. 11:269-292. 2005
- Insiders, outsiders and host country bargains. 8:359-388. 2002
- The realist adjusts the sails: Vernon and MNEstate relations over three decades. 6:335-342. 2000