publication venue for
- Abiotic transformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via interaction with soil components: A systematic review. 53:676-699. 2023
- Microplastics and nanoplastics in the soil-plant nexus: Sources, uptake, and toxicity. ahead-of-print:1-30. 2023
- Impacts of metallic nanoparticles and transformed products on soil health. 51:973-1002. 2021
- Radioiodine Biogeochemistry and Prevalence in Groundwater.. 44:2287-2335. 2014
- New Approaches for Bioaugmentation as a Remediation Technology. 34:447-494. 2004
- Assessing effects of mitigation strategies for global climate change with an intertemporal model of the U.S. forest and agriculture sectors. 27:97-111. 1997
- Assessing effects of mitigation strategies for global climate change with an intertemporal model of the US forest and agriculture sectors 1997