publication venue for
- From if-then to here and now: Using personalized counterfactuals from past negative experiences to reduce future alcohol consequences.. 31:386-396. 2023
- High-fat diet meal patterns during and after continuous nicotine treatment in male rats.. 24:477-484. 2016
- The relationship between alcohol cues, alcohol expectancies, and physical balance.. 22:307-315. 2014
- Expecting innovation: psychoactive drug primes and the generation of creative solutions.. 19:314-320. 2011
- Dimensions of impulsive behavior in adolescent smokers and nonsmokers.. 17:302-311. 2009
- Characteristics of psychopathy in adolescent nonsmokers and smokers: Relations to delay discounting and self reported impulsivity.. 17:258-265. 2009
- Interactive effects of alcohol outcome expectancies and alcohol cues on nonconsumptive behavior.. 15:102-114. 2007
- Anxiety sensitivity and smoking outcome expectancies among Spanish-speaking Latinx adult smokers.. 27:569-577.
- Anxiety-related constructs and smoking outcome expectancies among Latinx smokers.. 31:942-952.
- Attentional bias for nondrug reward is magnified in addiction.. 21:499-506.
- Registering randomized clinical trials and the case for CONSORT.. 15:511-518.