publication venue for
- A Scoping Review of Safety and Health Interventions in the High-Risk Dairy Industry: Gaps in Evidence Point to Future Directions in Research.. 27:51-63. 2022
- Animal Agriculture and the One Health Approach.. 26:85-87. 2021
- "The Only Thing I Wish I Could Change Is That They Treat Us Like People and Not Like Animals": Injury and Discrimination Among Latino Farmworkers.. 22:36-46. 2017
- Comparing Occupational Health and Safety Management System Programming with Injury Rates in Poultry Production.. 21:364-372. 2016
- Work-Related Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Job Factors Among Large-Herd Dairy Milkers.. 21:224-233. 2016
- Workplace Safety Interventions for Commercial Fishermen of the Gulf.. 21:178-189. 2016
- Estimating the Prevalence of Heat-Related Symptoms and Sun Safety-Related Behavior among Latino Farmworkers in Eastern North Carolina.. 21:15-23. 2016
- A Study of Neuromotor Function and Work Injury Risk Among Hispanic Adolescent Farmworkers: Pilot Test Findings. 19:239-240. 2014
- Pesticide use practices in rural Armenia.. 18:326-333. 2013
- A review of health and safety leadership and managerial practices on modern dairy farms.. 18:265-273. 2013
- Ergonomics in modern dairy practice: a review of current issues and research needs.. 18:198-209. 2013
- Occupational health and safety aspects of animal handling in dairy production.. 18:274-283. 2013
- Occupational health and safety regulations in the dairy industry.. 18:210-218. 2013
- The dairy industry: a brief description of production practices, trends, and farm characteristics around the world.. 18:187-197. 2013
- Work-related injuries and fatalities on dairy farm operations-a global perspective.. 18:256-264. 2013
- Respiratory issues in beef and pork production: recommendations from an expert panel.. 15:216-225. 2010
- Ergonomics in industrialized dairy operations.. 14:406-412. 2009
- Tractor-related injuries: an analysis of workers' compensation data.. 14:198-205. 2009
- Chronic back pain and associated work and non-work variables among farmworkers from Starr County, Texas.. 14:22-32. 2009
- Cost of compensated injuries and occupational diseases in agriculture in Finland.. 10:21-29. 2005
- Promoting Workplace Health, Safety, and Well-Being Among Essential Agricultural Workers Through Vaccine-Preventable Infectious Diseases Training in the Rio Grande Valley.. 1-11.