publication venue for
- The 3D Facial Norms Database: Part 1. A Web-Based Craniofacial Anthropometric and Image Repository for the Clinical and Research Community.. 53:e185-e197. 2016
- Mandibular asymmetry in patients with the crouzon or apert syndrome.. 52:327-335. 2015
- Craniofacial Stability in Patients With Crouzon or Apert Syndrome After Le Fort III Distraction Osteogenesis.. 50:561-569. 2013
- Facial growth in patients with apert and crouzon syndromes compared to normal children.. 49:185-193. 2012
- Health professionals' assessment of health-related quality of life values for oral clefting by age using a visual analogue scale method.. 43:383-391. 2006
- Health Professionals' Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life Values for Oral Clefting by Age Using a Visual Analogue Scale Method 2005
- Transforming growth factor-beta isoform expression in the perisutural tissues of craniosynostotic rabbits.. 41:392-402. 2004
- Correction of coronal suture synostosis using suture and dura mater allografts in rabbits with familial craniosynostosis.. 38:206-225. 2001