publication venue for
- Fixed-time synchronization for two-dimensional coupled reaction-diffusion complex networks: Boundary conditions analysis.. 34:043116. 2024
- Using data assimilation to train a hybrid forecast system that combines machine-learning and knowledge-based components.. 31:053114-053114. 2021
- Combining machine learning with knowledge-based modeling for scalable forecasting and subgrid-scale closure of large, complex, spatiotemporal systems.. 30:053111-053111. 2020
- Complex dynamics of a delayed discrete neural network of two nonidentical neurons.. 24:013108-013108. 2014
- Predicting chaos in memristive oscillator via harmonic balance method.. 22:043119-043119. 2012
- Anticipating synchronization of a class of chaotic systems.. 19:023105-023105. 2009
- Response to "Comment on 'Synchronization of chaotic systems with delay using intermittent linear state feedback' " [Chaos 18, 048101 (2008)]. 18:048102-048102. 2008
- Synchronization of chaotic systems with delay using intermittent linear state feedback.. 18:033122-033122. 2008
- Synchronization of a class of coupled chaotic delayed systems with parameter mismatch.. 17:033121-033121. 2007
- Exponential stabilization of chaotic systems with delay by periodically intermittent control.. 17:013103-013103. 2007
- Impulsive stabilization and synchronization of a class of chaotic delay systems.. 15:043103-043103. 2005
- Noise-assisted traffic of spikes through neuronal junctions.. 11:581-586. 2001
- Random walk in an eddy and tube formation from fine particles.. 11:674-677. 2001
- Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance and its consequences in neural model systems.. 11:563-569. 2001
- Experimental analysis and visualization of spatiotemporal patterns in spouted fluidized beds.. 14:499-509.
- Localized error bursts in estimating the state of spatiotemporal chaos.. 14:1042-1049.
- Spatio-temporal pattern formation during CO oxidation on Pt(100) at low and intermediate pressures: A comparative study.. 12:164-171.