publication venue for
- Optimized expression and purification of biophysical quantities of Lac repressor and Lac repressor regulatory domain.. 123:75-82. 2016
- Expression and purification of the N-terminal regulatory domain of Protein Kinase C for biophysical studies.. 110:14-21. 2015
- Myoglobin extraction from mammalian skeletal muscle and oxygen affinity determination under physiological conditions.. 107:50-55. 2015
- Expression and purification of biologically active Trichoderma virens proteinaceous elicitor Sm1 in Pichia pastoris.. 72:131-138. 2010
- Structural and functional characterization of a new recombinant histidine-tagged acyl coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP) from mouse.. 58:184-193. 2008
- Efficient high level expression of peptides and proteins as fusion proteins with the N-terminal domain of L9: application to the villin headpiece helical subdomain.. 47:234-240. 2006
- Construction of an inducible, pfkA and pfkB deficient strain of Escherichia coli for the expression and purification of phosphofructokinase from bacterial sources.. 46:475-482. 2006
- Cloning, expression, and purification of 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Mus musculus.. 35:276-283. 2004
- Isolation and characterization of 26- and 30-kDa rat liver proteins immunoreactive to anti-sterol carrier protein-2 antibodies.. 13:337-348. 1998
- Isolation and biological properties of osteopontin from bovine milk.. 9:309-314. 1997
- Purification and characterization of 2'aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. LD2.. 32:35-43.
- Purification and properties of 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2'-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoic acid hydrolase involved in microbial degradation of carbazole.. 28:182-189.