publication venue for
- The Maslov Index and Spectral Counts for Linear Hamiltonian Systems on [0, 1]. 30:1703-1729. 2018
- Planar Limits of Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flows with Helical Symmetry. 26:843-869. 2014
- Traveling Wave Solutions for a Class of One-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow Water Wave Models. 16:167-178. 2004
- Attractors for the Two-Dimensional NavierStokes- Model: An -Dependence Study. 15:751-778. 2003
- Gevrey Regularity for Nonlinear Analytic Parabolic Equations on the Sphere. 12:411-433. 2000
- Preserving dissipation in approximate inertial forms for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 3:179-197. 1991
- Exponential tracking and approximation of inertial manifolds for dissipative nonlinear equations. 1:199-244. 1989