publication venue for
- Searching for rare and secretive snakes: are camera-trap and box-trap methods interchangeable?. 47:476-484. 2020
- A model for assessing mammal contribution of Escherichia coli to a Texas floodplain. 42:217-222. 2015
- Role of free-ranging mammals in the deposition of Escherichia coli into a Texas floodplain. 40:570-577. 2013
- Variance component analysis of body mass in a wild population of deer (Odocoileus virginianus): results from two decades of research. 40:588-598. 2013
- Prediction of the nutritional composition of the crop contents of free-living scarlet macaw chicks by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. 39:230-233. 2012
- Influence of land development on home range use dynamics of female elk. 38:163-167. 2011
- Evaluation of euthanasia and trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs in managing free-roaming cat populations. 36:117-125. 2009
- Why didn't the lizard cross the road? Dunes sagebrush lizards exhibit road-avoidance behaviour. 44:194-199.