publication venue for
- Multivariate localization methods for ensemble Kalman filtering. 22:723-735. 2015
- Strategies for coupling global and limited-area ensemble Kalman filter assimilation. 18:415-430. 2011
- Size distribution and structure of Barchan dune fields. 18:455-467. 2011
- Granulometric characterization of sediments transported by surface runoff generated by moving storms. 15:999-1011. 2008
- Comparison between Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter and PSAS in the NASA finite volume GCM - perfect model experiments. 15:645-659. 2008
- Wavelet analysis in a structured clay soil using 2-D images. 14:425-434. 2007
- Local predictability in a simple model of atmospheric balance. 10:183-196. 2003
- Use of the breeding technique to estimate the structure of the analysis "errors of the day". 10:233-243. 2003