publication venue for
- Material Removal Rate of Zirconia in Electro Discharge Micromachining. 1115:20-23. 2015
- Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanowires Grown Hydrothermally on Glass Substrate. 787:427-431. 2013
- The Influence of Processing on Microstructural Development, Tensile Response and Fracture Behavior of Aluminum Alloy 5083. 410:175-186. 2012
- Studies on the Lapping of Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC). 325:495-501. 2011
- Lapping of Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC). 126-128:469-+. 2010
- A Ductile UFG Al Alloy via Cryomilling and Quasi-Isostatic Forging. 29-30:21-29. 2007
- Tensile Deformation and Fracture in a Bulk Nanostructured Al-5083/SiCp Composite at Elevated Temperatures. 29-30:245-248. 2007
- Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Single Crystals of High-Strength Ferromagnetic Alloys 2014
- Effect of Tensile Twinning on Low Temperature Shear Formability of Mg-3Al-1Zn Alloy 2014
- Prediction of Flow Stress Anisotropy and Tension Compression Asymmetry of Hot Rolled AZ31B Mg Alloy 2014
- Sustainability Considerations for PCC Pavement Design and Construction 2014
- Radio-Frequency Sensors for Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials 2013
- On Gradient Elasticity and Discrete Peridynamics with Applications to Beams and Plates 2013
- Size and interface coherency dependent phase transformation of niobium nanoparticles embedded in copper matrix by mechanical alloying 2013
- Sintering behavior and microwave dielectric properties of 95MCT ceramics prepared from different size powders by sol-gel method 2012
- Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized AIN powders by CRN route from a sol-gel low temperature combustion precursor 2012
- Sintering behavior and microwave dielectric properties of BaTi4O9 ceramics prepared from different size powders by sol-gel method 2012
- Supercapacitor Fabrication by Titanium Alloy 2012
- Advantages of Perennial Crop on Conservation of Agroecological Environment 2012
- Numerical simulation for geotechnical material of mine stope by mechanics and deformation performance 2012
- Simulation of Friction Stir Processing with internally cooled tool 2012
- Perennial Grain Crops: A New Option For The Future Food and Ecoagricultural Environment 2012
- Dissolution of fine gamma ' precipitates of MC2 Ni-based single-crystal superalloy in creep-fatigue regime 2011
- High Air Pressure in MQL Deep Hole Drilling Workpiece Temperature 2011
- Prediction of Burr Formation in Fabricating MEMS Components by Micro End Milling 2009
- Microstructure and Electrical Properties of the (Ba1-xCax)(Ti0.96Zr0.02Sn0.02)O3 Ceramics
- Study on Phase Structure and Electrical Properties of La-Doped (K0.5Na0.5)0.94Li0.06NbO3 Ceramics
- Use of cork waste as biosorbent for hexavalent chromium