publication venue for
- Gamma‐Cyclodextrin‐Recognition‐Responsive Characteristics of Poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)‐Based Hydrogels with Benzo‐12‐crown‐4 Units as Signal Receptors. 218:1600386-1600386. 2016
- Effects of Isophorone Diisocyanate on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Shape-Memory Polyurethane Foams.. 215:2420-2429. 2014
- Controlling the Actuation Rate of Low-Density Shape-Memory Polymer Foams in Water.. 214:1204-1214. 2013
- Alkyl-Substituted N-Vinylimidazolium Polymerized Ionic Liquids: Thermal Properties and Ionic Conductivities. 212:2522-2528. 2011
- Segregated Networks of Carbon Black in Poly(vinyl acetate) Latex: Influence of Clay on the Electrical and Mechanical Behavior. 209:2399-2409. 2008
- RAFT-based synthesis and characterization of ABC versus ACB triblock copolymers containing tert-butyl acrylate, isoprene, and styrene blocks(a). 208:2481-2491. 2007
- Hyperbranched fluoropolymers and their hybridization into complex amphiphilic crosslinked copolymer networks. 208:1676-1687. 2007
- Novel densely alkylated hydroxyl-functional polyvinylpyrrolidone showing phase-selective solubility. 207:1062-1069. 2006
- Molecular and microdomain orientation in semicrystalline block copolymer thin films by directional crystallization of the solvent and epitaxy. 204:1514-1523. 2003
- Determination of surface morphology of diblock copolymers of styrene and butadiene by atomic force microscopy. 193:2589-2604. 1992
- Bioinspired Polymeric Nanocomposites for Regenerative Medicine. 216:248-264.
- Electron Beam Crosslinked Polyurethane Shape Memory Polymers with Tunable Mechanical Properties.. 214:1258-1272.