publication venue for
- Linear precision for parametric patches. 33:191-214. 2010
- Errata. 29:91-100. 2008
- On the representation of band-dominant functions on the sphere using finitely many bits (vol 21, pg 127, 2004). 29:92-92. 2008
- Barycentric coordinates for convex sets. 27:319-338. 2007
- Approximation power of RBFs and their associated SBFs: a connection. 27:107-124. 2007
- Erratum: 'On the representation of band-dominant functions of the sphere using finitely many bits' (Advances in Computational Mathematics (2004) 21 (127-146)). 21:445. 2004
- Preface. 21:1-2. 2004
- Advances in Computational Mathematics: Preface. 21:1-2. 2004
- On the representation of band-dominant functions on the sphere using finitely many bits. 21:127-146. 2004
- On the representation of band-dominant functions on the sphere using finitely many bits. 21:127-146. 2004
- On the representation of band-dominant functions of the sphere using finitely many bits (vol 21, pg 127, 2004). 21:445-445. 2004
- Near Best Tree Approximation. 16:357-373. 2002
- A posteriori estimators for the FEM: Analysis of the robustness of the estimators for the Poisson equation. 15:375-392. 2001
- eta%-superconvergence of finite element solutions and error estimators. 15:393-404. 2001
- Polynomial frames on the sphere. 13:387-403. 2000
- Approximation properties of zonal function networks using scattered data on the sphere. 11:121-137. 1999
- Gaussian radial-basis functions: Cardinal interpolation of l(p) and power-growth data. 11:229-251. 1999
- Stability results for scattered-data interpolation on Euclidean spheres. 8:137-163. 1998
- A subspace preconditioning algorithm for eigenvector/eigenvalue computation. 6:159-189. 1996
- Analytic wavelets generated by radial functions. 5:95-123. 1996
- Some remarks on greedy algorithms. 5:173-187. 1996
- Wavelet compression and nonlinearn-widths. 1:197-214. 1993
- Differential operators on graphs and photonic crystals. 16:263-290.