Mechanism of thermal decomposition of K2FeO4 and BaFeO4: A review
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2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. This paper presents thermal decomposition of potassium ferrate(VI) (K2FeO4) and barium ferrate(VI) (BaFeO4) in air and nitrogen atmosphere. Mssbauer spectroscopy and nuclear forward scattering (NFS) synchrotron radiation approaches are reviewed to advance understanding of electron-transfer processes involved in reduction of ferrate(VI) to Fe(III) phases. Direct evidences of Fe V and Fe IV as intermediate iron species using the applied techniques are given. Thermal decomposition of K2FeO4 involved Fe V, Fe IV, and K3FeO3 as intermediate species while BaFeO3 (i.e. Fe IV) was the only intermediate species during the decomposition of BaFeO4. Nature of ferrite species, formed as final Fe(III) species, of thermal decomposition of K2FeO4 and BaFeO4 under different conditions are evaluated. Steps of the mechanisms of thermal decomposition of ferrate(VI), which reasonably explained experimental observations of applied approaches in conjunction with thermal and surface techniques, are summarized.