selected publications academic article Fulling, S. A., & Gustafson, R. A. (1999). Some properties of Riesz means and spectral expansions. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 1999, 1-39. Gustafson, R. A., & Krattenthaler, C. (1996). Heine transformations for a new kind of basic hypergeometric series in U(n). 68(1-2), 151-158. GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1994). SOME Q-BETA INTEGRALS ON SU(N) AND SP(N) THAT GENERALIZE THE ASKEY-WILSON AND NASRALLAH-RAHMAN INTEGRALS. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 25(2), 441-449. Gustafson, R. A. (1994). Some q q -beta and Mellin-Barnes integrals on compact Lie groups and Lie algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 341(1), 69-119. DENIS, R. Y., & GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1992). AN SU(N) Q-BETA INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION AND MULTIPLE HYPERGEOMETRIC-SERIES IDENTITIES. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 23(2), 552-561. GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1992). SOME Q-BETA AND MELLIN-BARNES INTEGRALS WITH MANY PARAMETERS ASSOCIATED TO THE CLASSICAL-GROUPS. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 23(2), 525-551. GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1990). A SUMMATION THEOREM FOR HYPERGEOMETRIC-SERIES VERY-WELL-POISED ON G2. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 21(2), 510-522. GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1990). A GENERALIZATION OF SELBERG BETA-INTEGRAL. 22(1), 97-105. GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1987). A WHIPPLES TRANSFORMATION FOR HYPERGEOMETRIC-SERIES IN U(N) AND MULTIVARIABLE HYPERGEOMETRIC ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 18(2), 495-530. GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1987). MULTILATERAL SUMMATION THEOREMS FOR ORDINARY AND BASIC HYPERGEOMETRIC-SERIES IN U(N). SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 18(6), 1576-1596. RAO, K. S., SANTHANAM, T. S., & GUSTAFSON, R. A. (1987). RACAH POLYNOMIALS AND A 3-TERM RECURRENCE RELATION FOR THE RACAH COEFFICIENTS. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 20(10), 3041-3045. GUSTAFSON, R. A., & MILNE, S. C. (1986). A Q-ANALOG OF TRANSPOSITION SYMMETRY FOR INVARIANT G-FUNCTIONS. 114(1), 210-240. GUSTAFSON, R. A., & MILNE, S. C. (1985). A NEW SYMMETRY FOR BIEDENHARN G-FUNCTIONS AND CLASSICAL HYPERGEOMETRIC-SERIES. Advances in Mathematics. 57(3), 209-225. BIEDENHARN, L. C., GUSTAFSON, R. A., & MILNE, S. C. (1985). U(N) WIGNER COEFFICIENTS, THE PATH SUM FORMULA, AND INVARIANT G-FUNCTIONS. Advances in Applied Mathematics. 6(3), 291-349. BIEDENHARN, L. C., GUSTAFSON, R. A., & MILNE, S. C. (1984). AN UMBRAL CALCULUS FOR POLYNOMIALS CHARACTERIZING-U(N) TENSOR-OPERATORS. Advances in Mathematics. 51(1), 36-90. GUSTAFSON, R. A., & MILNE, S. C. (1983). SCHUR-FUNCTIONS, GOOD IDENTITY, AND HYPERGEOMETRIC-SERIES WELL POISED IN SU(N). Advances in Mathematics. 48(2), 177-188. Gustafson, R. A., & Milne, S. C. (1983). Schur functions and the invariant polynomials characterizing U(n) tensor operators. 4(4), 422-478. conference paper Coskun, H., & Gustafson, R. A. (2006). Well-poised Macdonald functions W-lambda and Jackson coefficients omega(lambda) on BCn. Contemporary Mathematics. 127-155.
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education and training Ph.D., Yale University - (New Haven, Connecticut, United States) 1979 A.B., Princeton University - (Princeton, New Jersey, United States) 1975