publication venue for
- Leveraging customer benevolence for resilience: a supplier perspective. 49:727-748. 2019
- Structured literature reviews on strategic issues in SCM and logistics: Part 2. 48:742-744. 2018
- Near-optimal heuristics and managerial insights for the storage constrained, inbound inventory routing problem. 42:152-173. 2012
- Managing supply chains in times of crisis: a review of literature and insights. 39:535-573. 2009
- The storage constrained, inbound inventory routing problem. 37:484-500. 2007
- Improving agility of supply chains using base stock model and computer based simulations. 36:445-454. 2006
- Improving supply chain disaster preparedness. 35:195-207. 2005
- A cold chain network for food exports to developing countries. 33:918-933. 2003
- Cyber risk management strategies and integration: toward supply chain cyber resilience and robustness. 54:1-29.
- Driving the talk: examining professional truck drivers' motivations to engage in eco-driving. 53:98-124.
- Innovators and Transformers Revisiting the gap between academia and practice: insights from the green logistics phenomenon. ahead-of-print.
- Measuring the gaps between shippers and logistics service providers on green logistics throughout the logistics purchasing process. 51:25-47.
- Unravelling collaboration mechanisms for green logistics: the perspectives of shippers and logistics service providers. 51:423-448.