publication venue for
- Prevalence of serum immunoglobulin E against cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in allergic and nonallergic horses, and its impact on polysensitisation in serum allergen tests.. 33:338-e79. 2022
- Positive effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a cat with cutaneous nocardiosis.. 32:392-e112. 2021
- Characterization of canine epidermal organoid cultures by immunohistochemical analysis and quantitative PCR.. 32:179-e44. 2021
- Pyogranulomatous panniculitis in a domestic cat associated with Pseudomonas luteola infection.. 32:83-e15. 2021
- Cytokine expression in feline allergic dermatitis and feline asthma.. 32:613-e163. 2021
- Recovery of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus species from pet-grooming salons.. 31:262-e60. 2020
- Establishment and characterization of a canine keratinocyte organoid culture system.. 29:375-e126. 2018
- Atypical cutaneous cryptococcosis in four cats in the USA.. 28:405-e97. 2017
- Characterization of the cutaneous mycobiota in healthy and allergic cats using next generation sequencing.. 28:71-e17. 2017
- Ochronosis-like condition in a cat.. 27:311-e77. 2016
- Congenital dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) in Sprague Dawley rats: a case series.. 27:122-6e34. 2016
- Dam-to-offspring transmission and persistence of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius clones within dog families.. 25:3-e2. 2014
- A case series of thermal scald injuries in dogs exposed to hot water from garden hoses (garden hose scalding syndrome).. 23:162-e33. 2012
- Multiple eccrine poromas in the paw of a dog.. 23:167-e34. 2012
- Equine Dermatology. 23:82-83. 2012
- Analysis of gene transcript profiling and immunobiology in Shetland sheepdogs with dermatomyositis.. 19:52-58. 2008
- Evaluation of intravenous fluorescein in intradermal allergy testing in psittacines.. 14:323-332. 2003
- Can immunosuppressive therapy facilitate the diagnosis and affect the clinical signs of canine scabies? A retrospective study of 79 cases.. 27:160-e40.
- Characterization of staphylococcal communities on healthy and allergic feline skin.. 32:61-e10.
- Characterization of the cutaneous mycobiota in Persian cats with severe dermatophytosis.. 32:319-e88.
- Follicular dysplasia in two cows.. 10:143-147.
- Novel association of Psychrobacter and Pseudomonas with malodour in bloodhound dogs, and the effects of a topical product composed of essential oils and plant-derived essential fatty acids in a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study.. 29:465-e158.
- Staphylococcus felis C4 exhibits invitro antimicrobial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in a novel canine skin explant model.. 36:24-33.
- The skin microbiome in allergen-induced canine atopic dermatitis.. 27:332-e82.
- Tolerability and the effect on skin Staphylococcus pseudintermedius density of repeated diluted sodium hypochlorite (bleach) baths at 0.005% in healthy dogs.. 34:489-494.
- Ulcerative facial and nasal dermatitis and stomatitis in cats associated with feline herpesvirus 1.. 10:267-274.