publication venue for
- Use of ultrasound for aiding lipid extraction and biodiesel production of microalgae harvested by chitosan.. 42:4064-4071. 2021
- Optimization of biosurfactant production by Bacillus Subtilis N3-1P using the brewery waste as the carbon source.. 40:3371-3380. 2019
- Biodegradation of phenol and benzene by endophytic bacterial strains isolated from refinery wastewater-fed Cannabis sativa.. 39:1705-1714. 2018
- Oxidation of X-ray compound ditrizoic acid by ferrate(VI).. 32:261-267. 2011
- Application and evaluation of AERMOD on the assessment of particulate matter pollution caused by industrial activities in the Greater Thessaloniki area.. 32:593-608. 2011
- Water flow patterns in subsurface flow constructed wetlands designed for on-site domestic wastewater treatment.. 24:77-86. 2003
- Surfacing of domestic wastewater applied to soil through drip tubing and reduction in numbers of Escherichia coli.. 23:1027-1032. 2002
- Acute Toxicity of Estuarine Wetland Sediments Contaminated by Petroleum. 20:875-882. 1999
- Nutrient Dynamics in Marsh Sediments Contaminated by an Oil Spill Following a Flood. 20:795-810. 1999
- Reductive capacity of soils for chromium. 21:953-963.