publication venue for
- Tracking patterns in secondary students' intention to major in STEM. 45:470-483. 2023
- Using action research to improve science teaching self-efficacy. 40:1795-1811. 2018
- Responses to different types of inquiry prompts: college students discourse, performance, and perceptions of group work in an engineering class. 39:1625-1647. 2017
- The relationships among high school STEM learning experiences, expectations, and mathematics and science efficacy and the likelihood of majoring in STEM in college. 39:1549-1572. 2017
- A Randomized Study of a Literacy-Integrated Science Intervention for Low-Socio-economic Status Middle School Students: Findings from first-year implementation. 36:2083-2109. 2014
- Developing and Validating a Science Notebook Rubric for Fifth-Grade Non-Mainstream Students. 36:1849-1870. 2014
- Turkish pre-service science teachers' views on Science-Technology-Society issues. 29:331-348. 2007
- Investigating science identity classifications of rural high school students: a person-centered approach. 46:1671-1689.