publication venue for
- A single asperity sliding contact model for molecularly thin lubricant. 23:1733-1741. 2017
- Optimization of molecularly thin lubricant to improve bearing capacity at the head-disk interface. 21:1501-1511. 2015
- A water-immersible 2-axis scanning mirror microsystem for ultrasound andha photoacoustic microscopic imaging applications.. 19:577-582. 2013
- Optimization of thermal fly-height control slider geometry for Tbit/in(2) recording. 16:1021-1034. 2010
- Plane strain sliding contact of multilayer magnetic storage thin-films using the finite element method. 15:1097-1110. 2009
- Asymmetric surface roughness measurements and meniscus modeling of polysilicon surface micromachined flaps. 14:17-29. 2008
- Permalloy-coated tungsten probe for magnetic manipulation of micro droplets. 14:881-891. 2008
- Elastic contact mechanics-based contact and flash temperature analysis of impact-induced head disk interface damage. 14:215-227. 2008
- Adhesion and contact modeling and experiments in microelectromechanical systems including roughness effects. 12:854-869. 2006
- Tri-state dynamic model and adhesive effects on flying-height modulation for ultra-low flying head disk interfaces. 10:649-661. 2004