publication venue for
- Designing pulse-coupled neural networks with spike-synchronization-dependent plasticity rule: image segmentation and memristor circuit application. 32:13441-13452. 2020
- Global exponential anti-synchronization for delayed memristive neural networks via event-triggering method. 32:13521-13535. 2020
- Imbalanced dataset-based echo state networks for anomaly detection. 32:3685-3694. 2020
- Neural network modeling of in situ fluid-filled pore size distributions in subsurface shale reservoirs under data constraints. 32:3873-3885. 2020
- Bat algorithm as a metaheuristic optimization approach in materials and design: optimal design of a new float for different materials. 31:6151-6161. 2019
- Design of memristor-based image convolution calculation in convolutional neural network. 30:503-508. 2018
- Event-triggered H state estimation for discrete-time neural networks with mixed time delays and sensor saturations. 28:3815-3825. 2017
- Finite-time stabilization of uncertain neural networks with distributed time-varying delays. 28:S1155-S1163. 2017
- Exponential stability analysis of delayed memristor-based recurrent neural networks with impulse effects. 28:669-678. 2017
- Impulsive stabilization and synchronization of Hopfield-type neural networks with impulse time window. 28:775-782. 2017
- Exponential stability of inertial BAM neural networks with time-varying delay via periodically intermittent control. 26:1781-1787. 2015
- Existence and exponential stability of periodic solution of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks via impulsive control. 26:1369-1377. 2015
- Global exponential synchronization for coupled switched delayed recurrent neural networks with stochastic perturbation and impulsive effects. 25:1275-1283. 2014
- Memristor crossbar-based unsupervised image learning. 25:393-400. 2014
- Global exponential stability of a class of memristive neural networks with time-varying delays. 24:1707-1715. 2014
- Special issue on ICONIP 2012. 24:1-2. 2014
- Codimension two bifurcation in a simple delayed neuron model. 23:2295-2300. 2013
- Dynamic behaviors of memristor-based delayed recurrent networks. 23:815-821. 2013
- Stability of Hopfield neural networks with time delays and variable-time impulses. 22:195-202. 2013
- Graph neural network for Hamiltonian-based material property prediction. 34:4625-4632.
- Reinforcement control with fuzzy-rules emulated network for robust-optimal drug-dosing of cancer dynamics. 35:11701-11711.