publication venue for
- Physiological responses to salinity among warm-season turfgrasses of contrasting salinity tolerance. 207:669-678. 2021
- Calcium silicate slag reduces drought stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.). 205:353-361. 2019
- Physiological responses to water stress and yield of winter wheat cultivars differing in drought tolerance. 204:347-358. 2018
- Changes in leaf epicuticular wax load and its effect on leaf temperature and physiological traits in wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) exposed to high temperatures during anthesis. 204:49-61. 2018
- Lateāseason photosynthetic rate and senescence were associated with grain yield in winter wheat of diverse origins. 204:1-12. 2018
- 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)-Induced Alteration in Leaf Photosynthetic Rate, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Respiration and Membrane Damage in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under High Night Temperature. 201:105-116. 2015
- Agronomic Optimum Seeding Rate for Irrigated Maize in Texas is Concomitant to Growing Season Mean Daily Minimum Temperature. 199:299-307. 2013
- Genetic Advances in Adapting Rice to a Rapidly Changing Climate. 198:360-373. 2012
- Genetic Variation for Maize Epicuticular Wax Response to Drought Stress at Flowering. 198:161-172. 2012
- Effects of Night Temperature, Spikelet Position and Salicylic Acid on Yield and YieldRelated Parameters of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plants. 197:40-49. 2011
- Differential Response of Southern US Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars to UltravioletB Radiation. 196:286-295. 2010
- Effects of Elevated UltravioletB Radiation on Productive Tillers, Spikelet Sterility and Grain Characteristics of Southern US Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars. 195:292-300. 2009
- Response of rice (Oryza sativa l.) tillering to sub-ambient levels of ultraviolet-B radiation. 193:324-335. 2007
- Carbohydrate profiles during cotton floral bud (Square) development. 192:363-372. 2006
- Endophyte Infection May Affect the Competitive Ability of Tall Fescue Grown with Red Clover. 183:91-101. 1999
- The Endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum Affects Root Morphology of Tall Fescue Grown under Phosphorus Deficiency. 183:53-60. 1999
- Root morphological traits of winter wheat under contrasting environments. 205:571-585.