publication venue for
- Motion planning for a pair of tethered robots. 45:693-707. 2021
- Efficient recursive distributed state estimation of hidden Markov models over unreliable networks. 44:321-338. 2020
- Multi-robot planning with conflicts and synergies. 43:2011-2032. 2019
- Bound to help: cooperative manipulation of objects via compliant, unactuated tails. 42:1563-1582. 2018
- Special issue on "Robotics: Science and Systems", 2016. 42:1299-1300. 2018
- Hark! Who goes there? Concurrent association of communication channels for multiple mobile robots. 41:811-829. 2017
- Planning non-holonomic stable trajectories on uneven terrain through non-linear time scaling. 40:1419-1440. 2016
- From selfish auctioning to incentivized marketing. 37:417-430. 2014
- An anytime assignment algorithm: From local task swapping to global optimality. 35:271-286. 2013
- Unifying microscopic flocking motion models for virtual, robotic, and biological flock members. 35:195-219. 2013
- Large-scale multi-robot task allocation via dynamic partitioning and distribution. 33:291-307. 2012
- Systems and algorithms for autonomous and scalable crowd surveillance using robotic PTZ cameras assisted by a wide-angle camera. 29:53-66. 2010
- Enhancing randomized motion planners: Exploring with haptic hints. 10:163-174. 2001
- A Midsummer Nights Dream (with flying robots). 30:143-156.
- Cooperative Navigation of Micro-Rovers Using Color Segmentation. 9:7-16.
- Special issue on whole-body control of contacts and dynamics for humanoid robots. 40:425-428.
- Communication constrained task allocation with optimized local task swaps 2015