publication venue for
- Physical response of the Northern Arabian Gulf to winter Shamals. 203:103280-103280. 2020
- The imprint of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on Atlantic bluefin tuna otoliths. 158:26-33. 2016
- The imprint of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on Atlantic bluefin tuna otoliths. 158:26-33. 2016
- Modeling dynamic interactions and coherence between marine zooplankton and fishes linked to environmental variability. 131:120-129. 2014
- Particle sources over the Danube River delta, Black Sea based on distribution, composition and size using optics, imaging and bulk analyses. 131:74-90. 2014
- A modeling study of water and salt exchange for a micro-tidal, stratified northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. 96:103-115. 2012
- Distribution and characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of Hadhramout coastal area, Gulf of Aden, Yemen. 78:1-8. 2009
- A dense water outflow from the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Mixing and the contribution of tides. 77:369-387. 2009
- A real-time nearshore wave and current prediction system. 69:37-58. 2008
- Mixing in the surface boundary layer of a tropical freshwater reservoir. 63:225-243. 2006
- A model study of the response of hypoxia to upwelling-favorable wind on the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf. 131:63-73.
- Categorizing zonal productivity on the continental shelf with nutrient-salinity ratios. 206:103336-103336.
- Does local topography control hypoxia on the eastern Texas-Louisiana shelf?. 80:25-35.
- Historical trends of hypoxia in Changjiang River estuary: Applications of chemical biomarkers and microfossils. 86:57-68.
- How does the character of oxygen demand control the structure of hypoxia on the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf?. 70:49-62.
- Water exchange and its relationships with external forcings and residence time in Chesapeake Bay. 215:103497-103497.
- Water residence time in Chesapeake Bay for 19802012. 164:101-111.
- A new genus of the Ridgewayiidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) from an anchialine cave in the Bahamas 1998