publication venue for
- Improved pn heterojunction device performance induced by irradiation in amorphous boron carbide films. 202:25-30. 2015
- Symposium on advances in semiconducting materials: XX International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico. 177:1415-1416. 2012
- Structural and optical characterization of mechanochemically synthesized copper doped CdS nanopowders. 177:1452-1459. 2012
- Symposium on Advances in Semiconducting Materials; XIX International Materials Research congress, Cancun, Mexico-August 2010. 176:1341-1341. 2011
- AC and dielectric properties of vacuum evaporated InTe bilayer thin films. 174:269-272. 2010
- Electrical and optical properties of ultrasonically sprayed Al-doped zinc oxide thin films. 174:31-37. 2010
- Electrodeposition and characterization of Fe doped CdSe thin films from aqueous solution. 174:242-248. 2010
- Experimental and theoretical investigations of structural and optical properties of CIGS thin films. 174:205-208. 2010
- Fluorine doped zinc oxide thin films deposited by chemical spray, starting from zinc pentanedionate and hydrofluoric acid: Effect of the aging time of the solution. 174:46-49. 2010
- Preparation and characterization of MnSe thin films. 174:257-262. 2010
- XVIII International Materials Research Congress: Symposium on Advances in Semiconducting Materials-Cancun, August 2009. 174:1-1. 2010
- Process for recovery of indium from ITO scraps and metallurgic microstructures. 158:82-87. 2009
- Thermal conductivity studies of electrophoretically deposited nanodiamond arrays. 225:54-59.
- Band structure calculations of Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 2010
- Electrosynthesis and studies on Cadmium-Indium-Selenide thin films 2010
- Electrosynthesis and studies on Cadmium-Iron-Sulphide thin films 2010
- Epitaxial growth of erbium silicide nanowires on silicon(001) 2001
- Equilibrium size distributions of clusters during strained epitaxial growth 1999