publication venue for
- Quantifying meso-mammal cave use in central Texas. 2017:1-7. 2017
- Quail abundance, hunter effort, and harvest of two texas quail species: implications for hunting management. 21:303-311. 2015
- Developing spatially-explicit weighting factors to account for bias associated with missed GPS fixes in resource selection studies. 19:257-273. 2013
- Characteristics of two mountain lion Puma concolor populations in Texas, USA. 18:58-66. 2012
- Soils and forage quality as predictors of white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus morphometrics. 16:430-439. 2010
- Impact of reproductive effort on survival of Rio Grande wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo intermedia hens in Texas. 15:370-379. 2009
- Breeding and non-breeding survival of lesser prairie-chickens Tympanuchus pallidicinctus in Texas, USA. 15:89-96. 2009
- Florida Key deer Odocoileus virginianus clavium underpass use and movements along a highway corridor. 14:155-163. 2008
- Comparing survival and cause-specific mortality between resident and transient bobcats Lynx rufus. 12:297-303. 2006
- Sexual segregation in moose Alces alces: an experimental manipulation of foraging behaviour. 10:59-72. 2004
- ABSTRACTS. 3:269-296. 1997