publication venue for
- Amazonian mesoscale convective systems: Life cycle and propagation characteristics. 41:3968-3981. 2021
- A comprehensive analysis of projected changes of extreme precipitation indices in West Rapti River basin, Nepal under changing climate. 41:E2581-E2599. 2021
- Projected increase in compound dry and hot events over global land areas. 41:393-403. 2021
- Quantify contribution of aerosol errors to cloud fraction biases in CMIP5 Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations. 38:3140-3156. 2018
- Joint distribution of design precipitation and tide and impact of sampling in a coastal area. 38:E290-E302. 2018
- Spatiotemporal patterns of annual and seasonal precipitation extreme distributions across China and potential impact of tropical cyclones. 37:3949-3962. 2017
- Understanding perceptions of changing hurricane strength along the US Gulf coast. 37:1716-1727. 2017
- Exploring the possible effect of anthropogenic heat release due to global energy consumption upon global climate: a climate model study. 36:4790-4796. 2016
- Entropy-based spatiotemporal patterns of precipitation regimes in the Huai River basin, China. 36:2335-2344. 2016
- Shamals and climate variability in the Northern Arabian/Persian Gulf from 1973 to 2012. 35:4509-4528. 2015
- Cloud responses in the AMIP simulations of CMIP5 models in the southeastern Pacific marine subsidence region. 35:2908-2921. 2015
- Spatiotemporal variations of pan evaporation in China during 1960-2005: changing patterns and causes. 35:903-912. 2015
- Copula-based spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation extremes in China. 33:1140-1152. 2013
- Assessment of climate change impacts on streamflow and hydropower potential in the headwater region of the Grande river basin, Southeastern Brazil. 37:5005-5023.
- Climate change impact assessment on water resources underRCPscenarios: A case study in Mundau River Basin, Northeastern Brazil. 41:E1045-E1061.
- Land cover changes and their biogeophysical effects on climate. 34:929-953.
- Multi-decadal variability of soil moisture-temperature coupling over the contiguous United States modulated by Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperatures. 37:1400-1415.
- North Atlantic climate variability: Phenomena, impacts and mechanisms. 21:1863-1898.
- Northern hemisphere freezing/thawing index variations over the twentieth century. 27:47-63.
- Performance and changes of high-resolution (1 km) surface air temperature in Northern Hemisphere permafrost regions. 43:1333-1348.
- Trends in precipitation on the wettest days of the year across the contiguous USA. 24:1873-1882.
- Weather type classification of wildfire ignitions in the central Gulf Coast, United States. 35:2620-2634.