publication venue for
- Recommendations for assigning symbols and names to Neurospora crassa genes now that its genome has been sequenced.. 55:29-31. 2008
- A ras-1bd Mauriceville strain for mapping mutations in Oak Ridge ras-1bdstrains. 53:30-33. 2006
- A precise size-estimate for the small RNA products arising from Neurospora crassa Dicer activity. 51:21-22. 2004
- A recommendation for naming proteins in Neurospora. 43:72-72. 1996
- A reliable microplate assay for determination of B-galactosidase activity in Neurospora crassa strains bearing lacZ fusions. 43:35-36. 1996
- Identification of a gene from Neurospora crassa with similarity to a glucoamylase gene from Schwanniomyces occidentalis. 43:23-24. 1996
- The use of lacZ gene fusions in Neurospora crassa. 37. 1990
- A GATEWAY Destination Vector For High-Throughput Construction of Neurospora crassa histidine-3 Gene Replacement Plasmids. 50:6-8.
- A gas emitted by Neurospora crassa. 43:41-42.
- Gene replacements at the his-3 locus of Neurospora crassa. 43:9-13.