publication venue for
- Extenics enhanced axiomatic design procedure for AI applications. 36:e23. 2022
- A decomposition-based uncertainty quantification approach for environmental impacts of aviation technology and operation. 31:251-264. 2017
- Categorizing biological information based on function-morphology for bioinspired conceptual design. 31:359-375. 2017
- Engineering design informatics. 30:335-336. 2016
- Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'12). 28:113-114. 2014
- Mechanix: A natural sketch interface tool for teaching truss analysis and free-body diagrams. 28:169-192. 2014
- AI EDAM Special Issue, May 2014, Vol. 28, No. 2. 27:183-184. 2013
- AI EDAM Special Issue, May 2014, Vol. 28, No. 2. 26:445-446. 2012
- A model of function-based representations. 19:89-111. 2005
- Integrating different perspectives on design rationale: Supporting the emergence of design rationale from design communication. 11:141-154. 1997
- A fast genetic algorithm for solving architectural design optimization problems