publication venue for
- A Meta-Analysis of Task and Training Characteristics that Contribute to or Attenuate the Effectiveness of the After-Action Review (or Debrief). 37:953-976. 2022
- Safety Climate Measurement: an Empirical Test of Context-Specific vs. General Assessments. 33:479-494. 2018
- The Shelf Life of a Safety Climate Assessment: How Long Until the Relationship with Safety-Critical Incidents Expires?. 29:519-540. 2014
- Chasing the Title VII Holy Grail: The Pitfalls of Guaranteeing Adverse Impact Elimination. 28:473-485. 2013
- Personality and Trust Fosters Service Quality. 27:193-203. 2012
- Testing Differential Mediation Effects of Sub-dimensions of Political Skills in Linking Proactive Personality to Employee Performance. 26:359-369. 2011
- A longitudinal study of the relationships among job search self-efficacy, job interviews, and employment outcomes. 18:207-233. 2003
- Predictors of managerial performance: More than cognitive ability. 15:53-72. 2000