publication venue for
- Support for rodent ecology and conservation to advance zoonotic disease research.. 35:1061-1062. 2021
- Introduction: New directions in conservation psychology at a critical time.. 34:1335-1338. 2020
- Tools for assessing the psychometric adequacy of latent variables in conservation research.. 34:1353-1363. 2020
- Prioritizing sites for conservation based on similarity to historical baselines and feasibility of protection.. 32:1118-1127. 2018
- A comparison of cat-related risk perceptions and tolerance for outdoor cats in Florida and Hawaii.. 30:1233-1244. 2016
- Design principles for engaging and retaining virtual citizen scientists.. 30:562-570. 2016
- Depressed resilience of bluefin tuna in the western atlantic and age truncation.. 29:400-408. 2015
- Phenotypic effects of cattle mitochondrial DNA in American bison.. 26:1130-1136. 2012
- Bolder thinking for conservation.. 26:1-4. 2012
- Incentive structure of and private landowner participation in an endangered species conservation program.. 25:587-596. 2011
- What every conservation biologist should know about economic theory.. 24:1440-1447. 2010
- The ecological future of the North American bison: conceiving long-term, large-scale conservation of wildlife.. 22:252-266. 2008
- Environmental Virtue Ethics Then and Now. 19:1674-1675. 2005
- Changing the Course of Biodiversity Conservation in the Caatinga of Northeastern Brazil. 19:701-706. 2005
- Wildlife loss through domestication: The case of endangered key deer. 19:939-944. 2005
- The Sustainability of Subsistence Hunting in the Neotropics. 11:977-982. 1997
- Reproductive stages limiting productivity of the endangered Attwater's prairie chicken. 10:1264-1276. 1996
- Campesino hunting and conservation in Latin America.. 34:338-353.
- Effects of river impoundment on ecosystem services of large tropical rivers: embodied energy and market value of artisanal fisheries.. 23:1222-1231.
- Linking irreplaceable landforms in a self-organizing landscape to sensitivity of population vital rates for an ecological specialist.. 29:888-898.