publication venue for
- The Incremental Value Relevance of Media Coverage of Earnings Announcements: Evidence from the Trading of Short Sellers. 35:143-165. 2021
- Regulation FD: A Review and Synthesis of the Academic Literature. 27:619-646. 2013
- Detecting and Predicting Accounting Irregularities: A Comparison of Commercial and Academic Risk Measures. 25:755-780. 2011
- Assessing the Financial Reporting Consequences of Conversion to IFRS: The Case of Equity-Based Compensation. 24:589-621. 2010
- Characteristics Influencing Perceptions of Accounting Pronouncement Quality. 16:137-151. 2002
- SEC Market Risk Disclosures: Implications for Judgment and Decision Making. 15:49-70. 2001
- The Economic Implications of Proposed Changes in the Accounting for Nuclear Decommissioning Costs. 14:211-233. 2000
- The Financial Statement Effects of Eliminating the PoolingofInterests Method of Acquisition Accounting. 14:1-19. 2000
- Perceived benefits of ABCM implementation. 12:31-50. 1998
- Restructuring The Code of Professional Ethics: A Review of the Anderson Committee Report and Its Implications.. 2:89-97. 1988