selected publications academicarticle Liu, X. A MODEL OF RADIATIONAL GASEOUS STARS. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 50(6), 6100-6155. Liu, X. COMPRESSIBLE VISCOUS FLOWS IN A SYMMETRIC DOMAIN WITH COMPLETE SLIP BOUNDARY: THE NONLINEAR STABILITY OF UNIFORMLY ROTATING STATES WITH SMALL ANGULAR VELOCITIES. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 18(2), 751-794. Bardos, C., Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Derivation of a Generalized Quasi-Geostrophic Approximation for Inviscid Flows in a Channel Domain: The Fast Waves Correction. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 405(7), 164. Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. GLOBAL EXISTENCE OF WEAK SOLUTIONS TO THE COMPRESSIBLE PRIMITIVE EQUATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC DYNAMICS WITH DEGENERATE VISCOSITIES. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 51(3), 1913-1964. Liu, X. Global solutions to compressible Navier-Stokes equations with spherical symmetry and free boundary. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 42, 220-254. Liu, X., & Yuan, Y. Immediate Blowup of Entropy-Bounded Classical Solutions to the Vacuum Free Boundary Problem of Nonisentropic Compressible NavierStokes Equations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 55(3), 1524-1544. Liu, X., & Yuan, Y. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF STRONG SOLUTIONS TO THE FREE BOUNDARY PROBLEM OF THE FULL COMPRESSIBLE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 51(2), 748-789. Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Local Well-Posedness of Strong Solutions to the Three-Dimensional Compressible Primitive Equations. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 241(2), 729-764. Lin, Q., Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. On the Effect of Fast Rotation and Vertical Viscosity on the Lifespan of the 3D Primitive Equations. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 24(3), 73. Liu, X. On the expanding configurations of viscous radiation gaseous stars: Thermodynamic model. Journal of Differential Equations. 268(6), 2717-2751. Liu, X. On the expanding configurations of viscous radiation gaseous stars: the isentropic model. NONLINEARITY. 32(8), 2975-3011. Liu, X. On the resolvability of the dynamics of one fluid flow via a testing fluid in a two-fluids flow model. Journal of Differential Equations. 343, 579-605. Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation limit of viscous compressible flows. Physica D : Non-linear phenomena. 464, 134195-134195. Bresch, D., Klein, R., & Liu, X. The Soundproof Model of an Acoustic-internal Waves System with Low Stratification. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 24(4), 95. Liu, X., & Yuan, Y. The self-similar solutions to full compressible Navier-Stokes equations without heat conductivity. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 29(12), 2271-2320. Liu, X., Thomas, M., & Titi, E. S. Well-Posedness of Hibler's Dynamical Sea-Ice Model. Journal of Nonlinear Science. 32(4), 49. Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Well-Posedness of Strong Solutions to the Anelastic Equations of Stratified Viscous Flows. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 22(3), 39. Liu, X., Thomas, M., & Titi, E. S. Well-posedness of Hibler's dynamical sea-ice model Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Zero Mach Number Limit of the Compressible Primitive Equations: Well-Prepared Initial Data. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 238(2), 705-747. Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Zero Mach number limit of the compressible primitive equations: Ill-prepared initial data. Journal of Differential Equations. 356, 1-58. institutional repository document Liu, X. A Model of Radiational Gaseous Stars Liu, X., Titi, E. S., & Xin, Z. Asymptotic stability of the equilibrium for the free boundary problem of a compressible atmospheric primitive model with physical vacuum Liu, X. Compressible Viscous Flows in a Symmetric Domain with Complete Slip Boundary Bardos, C., Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Derivation of a generalized quasi-geostrophic approximation for inviscid flows in a channel domain: The fast waves correction Liu, X. Global Solutions to Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations With Spherically Symmetric Motion and Free Boundary Liu, X., & Yuan, Y. Immediate blowup of entropy-bounded classical solutions to the vacuum free boundary problem of non-isentropic compressible Navier--Stokes equations Liu, X., & Yuan, Y. Local existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the free boundary problem of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations in 3D Li, J., Liu, X., & Peschka, D. Local well-posedness and global stability of one-dimensional shallow water equations with surface tension and constant contact angle Doppler, S., Klein, R., Liu, X., & Titi, E. Local well-posedness of a system coupling compressible atmospheric dynamics and a micro-physics model of moisture in air Liu, X. On the Expanding Configurations of Viscous Radiation Gaseous Stars: Isentropic and Thermodynamic Models Klein, R., & Liu, X. On the boundary layer arising from fast internal waves dynamics Lin, Q., Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. On the effect of fast rotation and vertical viscosity on the lifespan of the $3D$ primitive equations Liu, X. On the resolvability of the dynamics of one fluid flow via a testing fluid in a two-fluids flow model Liu, X., & Yuan, Y. On the self-similar solution to full compressible Navier-Stokes equations without heat conductivity Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation limit of viscous compressible flows Bresch, D., Klein, R., & Liu, X. The soundproof model of an acoustic--internal waves system with low stratification Liu, X. Well-posedness of the viscous equations with strong stratification Liu, X., & Titi, E. S. Zero Mach Number Limit of the Compressible Primitive Equations Part I: Well-prepared Initial Data
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