publication venue for
- Silenced by Denial: The Problematic of Same-Sex Sexual Relations in the African Hispanic Novel La unica esperanza by Danielle Nicole Mboume. 39:121-139. 2022
- Melville and the "Woe that is Madness". 38:133-137. 2021
- Interview with Novelist Sarah Bird. 38:178-181. 2021
- Louise Erdrich's Restorative Love Medicine. 38:52-58. 2021
- Evolution of South Sudan's Culture. 37:79-95. 2020
- The Entrepreneurial Feminist Subject of New Screen Media from Ghana: Labor, Pleasure, and Power. 37:4-15. 2020
- The Legacy of World War II for Putin's Russia. 35:196-212. 2018
- Introduction: Putin's New Russia: Fragile State or Revisionist Power?. 35:1-21. 2018
- Introduction. 35:1-2. 2018
- Introduction. 35:1-3. 2018
- On Tzvetan Todorov: A Personal Recollection. 35:80-83. 2018
- Special Issue: 1917 in History and Memory. 34:1-1. 2017
- 1932. 34:32-40. 2017
- The 1968 Election and the Demise of Liberalism. 34:41-47. 2017
- South Central Review Introduction. 34:1-2. 2017
- Untitled. 32:1-1. 2015
- Calling the Nation: Karl Hartl's F.P. 1 antwortet nicht (1932). 29:21-40. 2012
- Emerson, John Brown, and Transcendental Idealism: A Colloquy. 28:31-56. 2011
- From Politics to the Roman Noir. 27:61-81. 2010
- Interview With James Lee Burke. 27:167-170. 2010
- Interview With Robert Parker. 27:163-166. 2010
- Introduction: Hard-Boiled. 27:1-2. 2010
- The Ethical and Political Dimensions of Making Amends: A Dialogue. 27:145-162. 2010
- Whither the "Good Europeans"? Nietzsche's New World Order. 26:40-60. 2009
- Untitled. 26:1-1. 2009
- Introduction: Intellectuals, Nationalisms, and European Identity. 25:1-2. 2008
- The Political and Cultural Roots of Negationism in France. 23:67-88. 2006
- Introduction: Whose Body?. 18:1-5. 2001
- Editors' Preface. 16/17. 1999
- Introduction: German Studies Today. 16:1-2. 1999
- Introduction: De Man and Heidegger Revisited. 11:1-1. 1994
- Editorial Comment. 10:1-1. 1993
- Beneath the Scarf of Jean Moulin. 25:1-21.
- The Crises of Patriotism. 25:16-29.
- Tragedy and Trauma: Antigone oriental de Marianella Morena. 30:125-142.
- Traumatic Spectacles: Recent Latin American Drama and Performance. 30:1-4.
- "'Hold On' is the Order of the Hour": Consent, Dissent, and Mobilization in 1917 2017
- Introduction: 1917 and the 20th Century 2017