publication venue for
- Evaluating Participant Experience Journeys: Peak-End Moments, Global Summaries, Dispersion, and Pattern. 41. 2023
- Effects of Outdoor Recreation Participation and Interpretation. 41:1-18. 2023
- Is a Decline in Parks Provision Inevitable in Fast-Growth Cities? Evidence from Texas. 40. 2022
- Predicting Mountain Hikers' Pro-Environmental Behavioral Intention: An Extension to the Theory of Planned Behavior. 39:70-90. 2021
- Pro-environmental Behavior in Marine Protected Areas: The Cases of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 31:28-49. 2013
- On the Border in Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks: Federal Law Enforcement Perspectives on Response to Cuban Immigrant Landings. 30:63-84. 2012
- Thoughts on Experience: Introduction to the Special Issue. 30:1-6. 2012
- The Use Preservation Paradox: An Examination of Negotiated Rulemaking at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. 30:66-82. 2012
- Promoting Positive Youth Development of Black Youth: A Rites of Passage Framework. 29:98-112. 2011
- Mode of Experience on a Recreational Trail: An Examination of How Hikers and Mountain Bikers Focus Their Attention. 29:21-38. 2011
- Measuring Relationships between Camp Staff and Camper Developmental Outcomes: An Application of Self-Determination Theory. 28:79-94. 2010
- The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty within the Context of Ski Resorts. 28:1-15. 2010
- Servant Leadership and Procedural Justice in the U.S. National Park Service: The Antecedents of Job Satisfaction. 28:1-15. 2010
- A Qualitative Analysis of National Outdoor Recreation Surveys. 27:46-59. 2009
- Effect of Self-Determination Theory-based Strategies for Staging Recreation Encounters on Intrinsic Motivation of Youth Residential Campers. 27:1-16. 2009
- Market Segmentation Using Perceived Constraints. 27:35-54. 2009
- A Rejoinder to Charles Sylvester. 26:42-46. 2008
- Constraints to Art Museum Attendance. 26:40-61. 2008
- Creating Value for Participants through Experience Staging: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism in the Experience Industry. 26:1-20. 2008
- Introduction to the Issues Confronting the Management of Urban-Proximate Natural Resource Recreation Areas. 25:1-5. 2007
- The Wildland Urban Interface and the National Forests of East Texas. 25:6-24. 2007
- Evaluating the Efficacy of a Self-classification Measure of Recreation Specialization in the Context of Ultimate Frisbee. 25:1-22. 2007
- Leisure Constraints and Acculturation among Korean Immigrants. 24:63-86. 2006
- Public Response to Park and Recreation Funding and Cost-saving Strategies: The Role of Organizational Trust and Commitment. 24:72-95. 2006
- Leisure Constraints Among Military Wives. 23:1-24. 2005
- Segmenting Forest Recreationists Using Their Commitment Profiles. 23:64-86. 2005
- Organizational Mission as a Core Dimension in Employee Retention. 22:28-43. 2004
- An Analysis of Lightning Safety Policies and Procedures in Florida's Municipal Recreation and Park Agencies.. 20:38-50. 2002
- Introduction to special issue trails and greenways: Opportunities for planners, managers, and scholars. 19:1-16. 2001
- Measuring Accessibility and Equity in a Local Park System: The Utility of Geospatial Technologies to Park and Recreation Professionals.. 19:102-124. 2001
- A Greenway Classification System: Defining the Function and Character of Greenways in Urban Areas. 18:88-106. 2000