publication venue for
- Evaluating Phonemic Awareness and Orthographic Mapping With the Woodcock-Johnson IV 2023
- Reciprocal Relations Between Children's Social and Academic Skills Throughout Elementary School. 40:761-776. 2022
- Do Global Ability Composites Differentially Predict Academic Achievement Across Gender?. 38:706-723. 2020
- Reliability Generalization of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire Subscales. 37:837-851. 2019
- Interpreting Secondary Students' Performance on a Timed, Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension Assessment: The Prevalence and Impact of Non-Attempted Items. 33:154-165. 2015
- Psychological Assessment of English Language Learners and/or Bilingual Students: An Investigation of School Psychologists' Current Practices. 22:185-208. 2004
- Assessment of intellectual functioning. 18:377-380. 2000
- College-sample psychometric and normative data on a short form of the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Test. 17:354-361. 1999
- Assessment practices for children with severe mental retardation. 16:292-301. 1998
- Use of the Differential Ability Scales (DAS) Special Nonverbal Composite among Young Children with Linguistic Differences. 15:196-204. 1997
- The Third and Fourth Factors of the WISC-III: What they Don't Measure. 15:27-39. 1997
- Validity of Benton's Judgement of Line Orientation Test. 10:210-218. 1992
- Describing the Relationship Between Word Decoding, Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, and the Orthographic Lexicon in the KTEA-3 and WIAT-4
- Test Review: Anger Regulation and Expression Scale. 31:84-88.
- Test of General Reasoning Ability (TOGRA). 36:869-872.
- The Prevalence of Reading Fluency and Vocabulary Difficulties Among Adolescents Struggling With Reading Comprehension. 35:785-798.