selected publications academicarticle Parke, F. I. (2005). Lower cost spatially immersive visualization for human environments. Landscape and Urban Planning. 73(2-3), 234-243. conference paper McNamara, A. M., Parke, F. I., Sanford, M., Broussard, G., & Kebedoux, K. (2013). Investigating spatial understanding in multi-component displays. 126-126. LaFayette, C., Parke, F. I., Pierce, C. J., Nakamura, T., & Simpson, L. (2008). Atta texana leafcutting ant colony: a view underground. 53-6:1. Parke, F. I. (2007). Lower cost modular spatially innnersive visualization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 142-146. Akleman, E., Haberl, J. S., Parke, F. I., Skaria, S., John Halstead, H., & Andrews, M. (2003). Demonstration of Multimedia Electronic Information Enhancements for a Handbook Chapter CD-ROM: Overview. 147-154. Akleman, E., Haberl, J. S., Parke, F. I., Skaria, S., Halstead, H. J., & Andrews, M. (2003). Demonstration of multimedia electronic information enhancements for a handbook chapter CD-ROM: Overview. ASHRAE Transactions. 143-150. Skaria, S., Akleman, E., & Parke, F. I. (2001). Modeling subdivision control meshes for creating cartoon faces. 216-+. El-Nasr, M. S., Ioerger, T. R., Yen, J., House, D. H., & Parke, F. I. (1999). Emotionally expressive agents. Proceedings Computer Animation 2000. 48-57.
teaching activities VIST375 Foundtn Of Visualization Instructor VIST470 Digital Rendering Instructor VIST485 Directed Studies Instructor VIZA617 Adv Animation Instructor VIZA618 Facial Model & Animation Instructor VIZA685 Directed Studies Instructor VIZA691 Research: In-absentia Instructor VIZA693 Professional Study Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Utah - (Salt Lake City, Utah, United States) 1974