publication venue for
- Colic motor complex of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon observed in an experimental cow with large intestinal obstruction.. 41:53-61. 1994
- The relationships between the fertility of dairy cows and clinical and biochemical measurements, with special reference to plasma glucose and milk acetone.. 38:608-616. 1991
- Genetic variation in milk acetone in Swedish dairy cows.. 33:600-608. 1986
- Determination of milk urea by flow injection analysis.. 33:53-58. 1986
- Effect of feeding silage with high butyric acid content on ketone body formation and milk yield in postparturient dairy cows.. 32:15-23. 1985
- Concentrations of blood and milk ketone bodies, blood isopropanol and plasma glucose in dairy cows in relation to the degree of hyperketonaemia and clinical signs.. 31:683-693. 1984
- Effect of energy balance on plasma glucose and ketone bodies in blood and milk and influence of hyperketonaemia on milk production of postparturient dairy cows.. 31:539-547. 1984
- Milk and blood ketone bodies, blood isopropanol and plasma glucose in dairy cows; methodological studies and diurnal variations.. 31:340-349. 1984
- Experimental anesthetization of a dromedary camel.. 21:149-156. 1974